Chirag S Hakked
Master of Science in Yoga, S-VYASA University. Since 2010, Chirag has been involved with the field of yoga. His long association with S-VYASA University and Asian Yoga Therapy Association have led him to conduct various Yoga Courses, programs, organising conferences and execution both in India and abroad, and have given him a wide range of experience in the field of Yoga.
He has been travelling to various countries - Indonesia | Singapore | Hong Kong | China | South Korea and more conducting yoga workshops, retreats and programs. He has specialised in many aspects of yoga such as advanced Pranayama, Breath meditation, Yoga Therapy, yogic bhajans for emotional culturing, Kriyas, yoga philosophy, Indian culture, Yogasanas, etc. Chirag also specialises in playing different musical instruments. He has published a research paper titled 'Yogic breathing practices improve lung functions of competitive young swimmers.'

As the Consultant Creative Head at Vivekananda Health Global, Chirag was responsible for marketing, promotion & co-ordination of various international conferences & projects. He is been actively involved in online based yoga consultation, programs, workshops and other services in Consult.Yoga since 2018. He hopes to spread the joy of yoga to the world at large and help others gain the benefits of a yogic lifestyle and also promote eco-friendly yoga products from India
Education & Sadhana
2019 - 2020 Sadhanapada at Isha Yoga Center, is a 7-month residential program for inner transformation for those looking to establish balance and clarity, emotional stability, seeking spiritual growth, or to live an intense and energetic life.
2019 - Yoga Vedanta from Yoga-Vedanta Forest Academy - Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh is a 2 -month course of Yoga & Vedanata study including class in the History of Indian and Western Philosophy, Philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali's Yoga System, Asanas, Pranayama, and Meditation.
2006 Vendanta Baiscs from Rishi Yogendra Bharathi is 7 days camp on Vedanta consist of 3 levels to Introduction of Vedanta
2010 - 2012 Master of Science in Yoga from S-VYASA Yoga University, Bangalore. It is a 2 year - residential program in the Yoga research and therapeutic approach of Yoga in modern society. Incudes the ancient wisdom of the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Hath Yoga and Gheranda Samhita along with modern scientific-based anatomy, physiology, psychology, research methodology, and teaching skills.
2006 - 2010 Bachelor of Science in Visual Communication - GRD College of Science, Coimbatore - Graphic Designing
Yogic breathing practices improve lung functions of competitive young swimmers - Jun 30, 2017 - ELSEVIER Journal Click here to view